Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition – mayor

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Members of the jury: Geraskevich Valery –member of the Rusian Union of Artists, Koriagin Gennady -member of the Rusian Union of
The present catalogue
Азербайджан azerbaijan
Konyul` Hankishieva
Конюль Ханкишиева
Konyul` Hankishieva
Фарида Мамедова
Nazrin Abbasli Ismail kizi
Вазифа Сулейманова
Farida Mamedova
Албания Albania
Seilind Sinani
Алди Караж
Aldi; Karaj
Армения armenia
Карен Оганнисян
Мгер Галстян
Армине Казарян
Ваге Петросян
Гаяне Хачовян
Полное содержание
Подобный материал:
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   17


In 2002-2004 the III International Contest of children‘s painting «Past, Resent, and Future in children‘s art” took place in Moscow region town Elektrostal. The project was initiated by Elektrostal Administration in Moscow region, charity organization "Putnik” under support of Ministry for Culture and Mass Communication in Russian Federation, Ministry for Culture in Moscow region, and by the Authorized Representative on human rights in Moscow region.

Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition – mayor

of Elektrostal Nikolai Petrovich Vasiliev.

Vise-chairman of the organizing committee – head of the department for culture in Elektrostal Chestnyh Svetlana Ivanovna, and the chairman of social charity organization "Putnik" Kulichenko Petr Vladimirovich.

Chairman of the jury is Panov Vladimir Petrovich – honored artist of the Russian Federation, professor of the Moscow State Institute of Arts by the name of V.I. Surikov.

Members of the jury:

Geraskevich Valery –member of the Rusian Union of Artists,

Koriagin Gennady -member of the Rusian Union of Artists,

Ivanova Julia – head of the department of fine and decorative applied arts of the State Russian House of national art of Ministry for Culture in Russian Federation, Candidate of fine art.

In total, 16164 works of children and teenagers, aged from 4 up to 17, came to the competition. They represent 40 countries of the world including England, Bulgaria, Venezuela, Germany, Egypt, India, Canada, China, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, Romania, the USA, Turkey, Sri-Lanka, Yugoslavia, as well as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia. Russia is represented by 79 districts of Federation.

Each drawing was examined thoroughly by highly professional jury.

The results of the competition were summed up in three rounds, stage by stage, separately in each age group, in accordance with five nomination "Past", "Present", "Future", "Triptychs", "Monotriptychs" (reflecting three periods in one work).

After holding the first qualifying round of the competition the jury chose 2000 works for further examination, out of which 365 works were chosen in the second round.

These works formed an exhibition, which had a great success in Elektrostal, Moscow region, in September 2003. The winners were chosen in the third round of the competition.

As a result of the three rounds, 2000 participants became prize-winners in the competition, among them 250 children acquired title "Hope of the Future", 65 drawings were singled out for an additional rewarding nomination "Bright reflection of the theme", prize-winning places and medals were awarded to 49 participants from Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran, China, Slovakia, Siria, Egypt, Sloveniya, Venezuela, Mjngolia, Mexico, Cyprus, Turkey, Yugoslavia.

The best work of the competition has been called the drawing «Peace» by Suren Alfred Anderson from Colombo, Sri-Lanka. Grand-Prize of the Competition was awarded to the painter. .

We thank young artists, teachers - all the people who accepted our invitation. We wish you all success and hope for cooperation in future projects.

The present catalogue

included two thousands works to which authors by the decision of the jury a rank of winners of the Third International Competition of Children`s Painting « The Past, Present, and Future in children`s art” had been appropriated.

The information about works and their authors is located in alphabetic – geographical order : in the alphabet of the countries from which works have been sent. Countries name arranged corresponding to the Russian alphabet.

Inside one unit, corresponding to the name of the country, the information is located by the importance of the awards – from greater to smaller: the first place, the second place, the third place: Laureate «Hope of the Future», Laureate «For successful reflection of the competition theme, Laureate of the Competition.

In the section «Russia» - the information is located in alphabetic order of the names of regions of Russia.

The catalogue included only those works which have been marked by the jury and have received ranks of winners of the Third International Competition of Children`s Painting.


Фарида Мамедова; 13лет; Баку; Инопланетяне; 1 место

Farida Mamedova; Aged 13; Baku; Aliens; 1 place

Конюль Ханкишиева; 11 лет; Баку; Прошлое моего города; 1 место

Konyul` Hankishieva; Aged 11; Baku;The past of my city; 1 place

Махира Магеррамова; 9лет; Баку; В зоопарке; Лауреат «Надежда Будущего»

Mahira Magerramova; Aged 9; Baku; At the Zoo; Laureate «Hope of Future»

Конюль Ханкишиева; 11 лет; Баку; Мой город; Лауреат «Надежда Будущего»

Konyul` Hankishieva; Aged 11; Baku; My city; Laureate «Hope of Future»

Конюль Ханкишиева; 11 лет; Баку; Мой город в будущем; Лауреат «Надежда Будущего»

Konyul` Hankishieva; Aged 11; Baku; My city in future; Laureate «Hope of Future»

Ширин Ахвердибекова; 11 лет; Баку; Взгляд; Лауреат Конкурса

Shirin Ahverdibekova; Aged 11; Baku; Look; Laureate

Фарида Мамедова; 13 лет; Баку; Мой сон; Лауреат Конкурса

Farida Mamedova; Aged 13; Baku; My dream; Laureate

Назрин Аббаслы Исмаил кызы; 5 лет; Баку; Женщина Азербайджана; Лауреат Конкурса

Nazrin Abbasli Ismail kizi; Aged 5; Baku; Azerbaijan woman; Laureate

Ширин Джафарова; 11 лет; Баку; Прошлое, Настоящее, Будущее; Лауреат Конкурса

Shirin Djafarova; Aged 11; Baku; Past, Present, Future; Laureate

Вазифа Сулейманова; 9 лет; Баку; Прошлое, настоящее и будущее; Лауреат Конкурса

Vazifa Suleiymanova; Aged 9; Baku; Past, Present and Future; Laureate

Фарида Мамедова; 13 лет; Баку; Будущий город; Лауреат Конкурса

Farida Mamedova; Aged 13; Baku; The future city; Laureate

Лейла Рзаева; 14 лет; Баку; Жизнь восточной красавицы; Лауреат Конкурса

Leiyla Rzaeva; Aged 14; Baku; The life of oriental Beanty; Laureate

Албания Albania

Вальтер Озуне; 12 лет; Тирана; Настоящее; Лауреат “Надежда Будущего»

Valter Ozune; Aged 12; Tirana; The Present; Laureate «Hope of Future»

Сейлинд Синани; 6 лет; Тирана; Беженцы; Лауреат “Надежда Будущего»

Seilind Sinani; Aged 6; Tirana;Refugees; Laureate «Hope of Future»

Розетта Хоксха; 14 лет; Тирана; Моя страна; Лауреат “За яркое отражение темы»

Rozetta Hoxha; Aged 14; Tirana; My country; Laureate «For successful reflection of Competition theme»

Алди Караж; 13 лет; Тирана; После охоты; Лауреат Конкурса

Aldi Karaj; Aged 13; Tirana; After hunting; Laureate

Алди Караж; 13 лет; Тирана; Город будущего - Тирана Лауреат Конкурса

Aldi; Karaj; Aged 13; Tirana; The future city - Tirana; Laureate

Эрмир Билани; 15 лет; Тирана; Год 1997; Лауреат Конкурса

Ermir Bilani; Aged 15; Tirana; The year 1997; Laureate

Алди Караж; 13 лет; Тирана; Тирана сегодня; Лауреат Конкурса

Aldi Karaj; Aged 13; Tirana; Tirana today; Laureate

Алда Зхоли; 13 лет; Тирана; Молодость; Лауреат Конкурса

Alda Zholi; Aged 13; Tirana; Youthfulness; Laureate


Лилит Саркисян; 9 лет; Дилижан; Армянская свадьба; Лауреат «За яркое отражение темы»

Lilit Sarkisyan; Aged 9; Dilijan; Armenian wedding; Laureate «For successful reflection of Competition theme»

Карен Оганнисян; 14 лет; Дилижан; Вождь "Острый глаз"; Лауреат Конкурса

Karen Ogannisyan; Aged 14; Dilijan; The leader " Acute eye "; Laureate

Аделина Шагвердян; 8 лет; Моя мама; Лауреат Конкурса

Adelina Shagverdyan; Aged 8; My Mother; Laureate

Мгер Галстян; 10 лет; Будущее моей родины; Лауреат Конкурса

Mger Galstyan; Aged 10; Future of my homeland; Laureate

Армине Казарян; 12 лет; Прошлое; Лауреат Конкурса

Armine Kazaryan Aged 12;The Past; Laureate

Армине Казарян; 12 лет; Настоящее; Лауреат Конкурса

Armine Kazaryan Aged 12;The Present; Laureate

Армине Казарян; 12 лет; Будущее; Лауреат Конкурса

Armine Kazaryan Aged 12;The Future; Laureate

Ваге Петросян; 13 лет; Утерянные ценности; Лауреат Конкурса

Vage Petrosyan; Aged 13; Forfeited Values; Laureate

Албанд Мурадханян; 14 лет; Раздан; Наша деревня;

Alband Muradhanyan; Aged 14; Rasdan; Our village; Laureate

Гаяне Хачовян; 15 лет; Церковь- дом моей души; Лауреат Конкурса

Gayane Hachovyan; Aged 15; Church is the house of my soul ; Laureate

Лилит Арсенян; 16 лет; Прошлое, настоящее и будущее Армении; Лауреат Конкурса

Lilit Arsenyan; Aged 16; Past, present and future of Armenia; Laureate