Abdullah, I. Bangura, Y. Blake, C. Gberie, L. Johnson, L. Kallon, K. Kemokai, S. Muana, P. K. Rashid, I. Zack-Williams, A

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Mitteilungen beiheft- johann wolfgang goethe
Presidential autocracy in Pakistan
Proceedings of the international conference of armenian linguistics
Roman Stoicism; being lectures on the history of the Stoic philosophy with special reference to its development within the Roman
Studies in english literature 1500 - 1900
English monks and the suppression of the monasteries
In the beginning God; a new scientific vindication of the cosmogonic myths in the book of Genesis
From autocracy to integration : political developments in Hyderabad State, 1938-1948
Yearbook of physical anthropology
Estudios sobre la época de Carlos III en el reino de Chile
West African Sufi. The Religious Heritage and Spiritual Search of Cerno
Method and theory in the study of religion
Ideas in context
Transnational law and contemporary problems
Planning perspectives
Journal of the early republic
La propiedad eclesiástica y el problema agrario, desamortización de ejidos
Boston studies in the philosophy of science
Landlord and labor in late imperial China : case studies from Shandong
The signs and symbols of primordial man; being an explanation of the evolution of religious doctrines from the eschatology of th
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