Сми о Казахстане (19-26 января 2009 года) оглавление

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Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who is in India to attend the Republic Day parade as the Chief Guest, met President Dr. Pratibha Patil at a special banquet hosted in his honour at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. President Patil described Kazakhstan as India's "valuable partner" in its fight against terrorism.

Patil also hailed Kazakastan's historic links with India and said, "India is committed to take forward its historical linkages into the future by developing a multi-faceted and mutually beneficial relationship".

Сайт “Manorama online” (India), January 25, 2009, INDIA, KAZAKHSTAN SIGN N-DEAL MOU

India and Kazakhstan Saturday signed Extradition Treaty and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for cooperation in civil nuclear energy and three other pacts after talks here Saturday between President Pratibha Devisingh Patil and visiting Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

President Pratibha Patil led the Indian delegation at the talks which were held at Rashtrapati Bhavan while the Kazakhstan side was headed by Mr Nazarbayev.

Earlier, the talks were scheduled to be held between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Nazarbayev at the Hyderabad House, the usual venue for discussions with visiting Heads of State.

However, the Prime Minister could not lead the Indian side because of ill health. The venue was subsequently shifted to Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The three other agreements signed are : Protocol on the accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO, an MOU between Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the National Space Agency of Kazakhstan for cooperation in space activities and 'Heads of Agreement' between ONGC Mittal Energy Ltd. (OMEL) and Kazakhstan's National Company Kazmunaigas (KMG).

All the agreements were signed in the presence of the two Presidents.

The Extradition Treaty was signed by External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and his Kazakhstan counterpart Marat Tazhin while the MoU for coopetration in civil nuclear energy was signed between the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCI) and Kazakhstan's National Company Kazaromprom.

The Kazakhstan President who will be the Chief Guest at the Republic Day celebrations, arrived here Friday on a three-day State visit.

This is the first time that a leader from Central Asia will be the Chief Guest. Earlier, the two delegations held discussions on a wide spectrum of areas including bilateral relations and regional and global issues.

The Indian delegation also included the External Affairs Minister, Petroleum Minister Murli Deora, Ministers of State Ashwini Kumar and Jairam Ramesh and National Security Advisor (NSA) M K Narayanan, besides senior officials.

Kazakhstan has evinced keen interest in strategic partnership with India.

''We believe there should be strategic partnership between our two countries which serves their long-term interests...

In our foreign policy, India occupies a special place,'' Kazakhstan's Ambassador to India, Dr Kairat Umarov, said.

Kazakhstan, which has had a ten per cent GDP for the past eight years, is the fastest-growing economy in Central Asia.

At present, negotiations are on between the KazMunayGas and OVL regarding oil exploration in Kazakhstan.

Trade relationship is on the rise. Bilateral trade has increased from about 80 million US dollars in 2004 to over 332 million US dollars in 2008.

''In absolute terms, this is not a big amount for countries with fast expanding economies, but we see this as a potential for growth,'' the Ambassador said.

Kazakhstan's main exports consist of mineral products, leather and raw materials while imports from India include tea, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, plastic, machinery and equipment. Dr Umarov said there is vast scope for cooperation in various fields, including manufacturing sectors, such as textiles, construction materials, leatherwear, plastics, pharmaceuticals, IT, oil and gas and tourism.

So far, Indian investment in Kazakhstan has been about 38 million US Dollars. Many Indian companies including Punj Lloyd, OVL, Punjab National Bank, Mittal Steel etc. are already present in Kazakhstan.

Kazakh companies including KazStroyService (infrastructure), Kaspain Shelf (oil exploration), TVL (retail equipment), STL (transportation and logistics) are also entering Indian market.

''We have all the possibilities for increasing the level of our interaction. We already have military and technical cooperation, developing energy ties, have prospects of increased links in space, nuclear energy,'' he said.

'Kazatomprom' is keen to increase its supplies and has the potential to take part in the construction of atomic power stations.

''We have institutionalised our ties. There are bilateral cooperation mechanisms pushing forward our ties in various fields like Inter-Government Commission, Foreign Office consultations, Joint Working Groups on IT, Oil and Gas, Textile, Transport, Military and Technical Cooperation, Combating Terrorism and Sub-Committee on Science and Technology.

This is the fourth visit of President Nazarbayev to India, earlier ones being in 1992, 1996 and 2002.

India is the first country that Mr Nazarbayev visited after Kazakhstan got independence from the erstwhile Soviet Union in 1991.

Kazakhstan shifted to a democratic form of government after holding the first multi-party elections in 2007 and will take over the Chairmanship of the 56-nation Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2010.