Министерство иностранных дел республики казахстан комитет международной информации III форум безопасности сеап

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Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions is an annual initiative for promoting interfaith dialogue among the scholars of major and traditional religions of the world. Its basically aimed at bridging the misunderstandings caused by religious extremism and intolerance in our today’s era of multicivilizational misunderstandings caused by religious extremism and fanaticism. Today terrorism—mostly related to religious radicalism—has plagued the entire world security. We have witnessed the terrible mass killings of 9/11 attacks by a handful of terrorists that exploit religion for their political agendas through violence. Today world leaders and states are making efforts to root out the religious extremism and stop a handful of fanatics to spread their radical and violent ideas, that has much damaged human civilization by now. For such an objective, there have been several major efforts by different international organizations and states. The Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions is also a major initiative. The Third Congress was hosted in the fabulous new capital city of Kazakhstan—Astana—on 1-2 July 2009. Delegations of prominent world religious scholars and leaders participated in this 2-day occasion. Over 70 delegations from across 35 countries of the world representing three world religions and the traditional religions participated in the Congress. Some prominent participants of the sessions included Secretary General of the Muslim World League Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsin Al-Turki, President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Metropolitan of Astana and Almaty Methodius, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation Ishmael Noko, Deputy Chairman of the Buddhist Association of China Sue Cheng, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger, Chairman of the China Daoist Association Zheng Fazhun, Vice President of the Shinto Shrines Association of Japan Jinja Honcho Tanaka, the President of the World Council of Cultural Heritage of Indian Zarathustra Homi Burzhor Dhalla and others. Many other world leaders and heads of organizations were invited as guests. Some include President of Israel Shimon Peres, UN Under-Secretary-General, General Director of the European Branch of the United Nations Sergei Ordzhonikidze, Chairman of the UNESCO Executive Board Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï, the OSCE Secretary General Marc Peren de Brishambo. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev while inaugurating the two-day Congress appreciated the world scholars for contributing with the efforts of Kazakh Government in promoting interfaith dialogue and harmony. He said the large participation of the world scholars in the Congress shows the efforts are bearing fruit. Talking about the unique multiethnic society of Kazakhstan, President Nazarbayev said his country is a beautiful example where more than 132 ethnics from different religions live peacefully. He said there are almost 3,200 mosques, temples and meetinghouses in the country. The International Center for Cultures and Religions has been established. The Fund for the Islamic Culture and Education is being also established by support the Kazakh Government. President Obama in his Cairo speech addressing the Muslim world had emphasized on the need of promoting religious harmony. Interfaith dialogue is the most effective initiative for promoting inter-religious harmony and removes the misunderstandings that are mostly caused because there is interactive dialogues. The Congress was divided in different sessions. In the first day the plenary session was themed: “The role of religious leaders in construction of the world based on tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation”. The second day of session was divided in three sections: “Moral and cultural wealth, world ethics”, “Dialogue and cooperation” and “Solidarity in crises”. President of Kazakhstan held meetings with the world leaders that participated the III Congress. UN Under-Secretary-General Sergei Ordzhonikidze appreciated the efforts of the Kazakh Government and said the United Nations support such an important and necessary religious forum for the international community hosted by Astana. Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, Egyptian Minister of Awqat Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, Chairman of the Saudi Arabian Shura Council Abdullah Bin Muhammad Aal Al-Sheikh, Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger and many other religious scholars and leaders called on the Kazakh President and thanked for hosting the important and timely congress. Appreciating the efforts of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Chief Rabbi said the President has been playing vital role as a bridge of peace that brought together Israel and Arab countries. He added “I will never forget how at the first Congress Nursultan Nazarbayev took my hand and the one of the Iranian representative and joined our three hands. The whole hall stood up and applauded. Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, French Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church while addressing the session said “believers of other religions and religious leaders should enlighten human pilgrimage. Religions must become a source for harmony and mutual respect. If you are the member of the family—humanity—you must go beyond tolerance because we don’t tolerate a brother - we love a brother. The former President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue in the Roman Curia further said all religions are equal and have its unique qualities. He also praised the initiative of the Kazakh Government for hosting the Congress annually. He added “Kazakhstan is not just a country but also a message to the world.” Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Countries Salem Al-Khauni said such initiatives are very important for building peace based on tolerance, mutual support and respect as well as the role of religious leaders in realization of this task. Further highlighting the importance of the Congress he said it is a significant step toward creation of favorable conditions for interaction of civilization and dialog of different religions and cultures. He said if religion runs in right direction, it can lead to peace and accord. As all religions are calling on peace and security. The two-day Congress was closed on July 2 with closing speech of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kazakhstan is an example of multiethnic and religious harmony. Its therefore, Astana has been a unique place for the Congress of the leaders of world and traditional religions which has been recognized as an effective dialogue platform for peace. Astana hosted the first Congress of the Leaders of the World and Traditional Religions in September 2003. In that Congress, prominent religious scholars of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism and other faiths adopted a declaration stating “extremism, terrorism and other forms of violence in the name of religion have nothing to do with genuine understanding of religion, but are threat to human life and hence should be rejected.” The second Conference of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions was organized in 2006. A similar interfaith and intercultural conference “Common World: Progress through Diversity” was held in Astana last year in Oct 17, 2008. The conference was aimed at bridging religious and cultural gap between West and the Muslim World. Heads and representatives of more than 65 states including Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, United States, European Union, France, Germany, Canada and organizations such as UNESCO, OIC, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Arab League and others attended the Conference. In June 2002, a 16-nation Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) was held in Almaty Kazakhstan. The main objective of this organization is to bring peace to all including the countries that have long irreconcilable conflicts such as India and Pakistan, Iran, Palestine and Israel. The efforts made for interfaith dialogue are vital in today’s scary times when terrorism has taken the justification of religion by a handful of radicals that have plagued the entire world security. International community should promote such initiatives to bring faiths together on a single point unity of peace and prosperity.