Устойчивое развитие рыбохозяйственного комплекса Казахстана на основе рационального использования ресурсов: теория, методология и практика (на материалах Прикаспийского региона) 08.

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Dametken Medihanovna Turekulova
The object of investigation
Scientific novelity
Results of the research
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Dametken Medihanovna Turekulova

Stabilized development of fishing complex in Kazakhstan on the basis of rational use of recourses (on the example of Pre- Caspian region of Kazakhstan)

08.00.05 - Economy and management of agriculture, dissertation of economy science of doctor degree


     Topicality of the research is defined by the necessity of searching methods of perfecting mechanism of managing steady development in the Republic of Kazakhstan and defiency of scientific investigations in a fishing sphere with a necessity of keeping national fishing biopotential as the provider of valuable products and health keeping of population.

      The object of investigation is the enterprises of the fishing complex in the Caspian Sea and Pre-Caspian region.

     The subject of investigation is the correlation and relations of ecological and economical activity arising in the process of using natural resources in the potential territory.

     The aim of the work includes complex and systematic researching of theoretical and methodological basis of market reforming and process of organization of managing Fishing Complex of Kazakhstan and work-out of strategic directions and mechanisms of effective use of resources, directed to steady development of fishing activity.

     The method of providing work consisted in the use of critical analysis, theoretical and methodological information source information keeping basic principles of system and evolutional analysis of practical information in use of researches that are complex and dialectical cognitive method, methods of comparison, dynamic evaluation, reason and effect connections, information grouping , abstract and structural logics, economics of mathematic modeling, expert ratings, in keeping generally scientific regularity principles of system and consecutiveness recommendations in any case of development.

      Scientific novelity of the research work consist in the work-out of theoretical and methodological approach in defining the content of process of improvement of managing Fishing Complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan by working-out recommendations in keeping and rational using of water biopotencial, of the Pre-Caspian region and offshore territory of the Caspian Sea, as strategical recourse of Fishing activity:

     - theoretical positions of essential characteristics of a category " steady development " are specified,  the formulated author's treatment of an essence of the given concept is defined more precisely, systematized and enlarged;

- specific conditions of construction of system and the mechanism of steady development Fish industrial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan are revealed and systematized;

- the concept of a choice of priorities for preservation of fish-breeding biological potential of growth manufacture of a fish and sea commodity output is expanded and profound;

- influence of globalization on formation of methodological bases of construction of a control system Fish manufacture in pre-Caspian region of the Republic of Kazakhstan is defined;

- principles and methods of maintenance of safety and growth of water bioresources of the Caspian sea for development of Fish industrial activity in Pre-Caspian region of the Kazakhstan are specified and expanded;

- expansion of the state participation in the development of Fish industrial activity in Kazakhstan and safety of water bioresources recommendations are developed for growth of manufacture of a fish commodity output are worked out;

- offers on interstate activity of the Republic Kazakhstan on the working- out actions for decrease in damage to an inhabitancy of fish biostocks in the Caspian Sea and in its coastal territories are proved;

- recommendations on methods of an estimation of efficiency of fish product on the basis of rational use of water Fish resources are formed;

- methodical suggestions on ways of definition of quotas on fishing out sea -and fish product from water area of the Caspian sea are developed;

- the model of formation of financial and industrial groups as innovative form of management of Fish industrial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan is developed and methodically proved.

      Results of the research were inculcated in the activity of such enterprises as “Uralo-Atyrauskii osetrovyi zavod”, “Optimum” Aktau city, LMT “Dagrybhoz” Mahachkala city, “KazATK” Atyrau’s Branch in Aktau city, is confirmed by the acts of inculcation, also it was reported in different international scientific practical conference several times. As the result of research with the volume 67,7, including 3 monographs are published.

     Area of usage provides for utilizing the result of research in organizations of managing Fish industrial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the level of enterprises and state institutions.

     Efficiency and significations of work consists of expansions of theoretical bases, methodical centre of managing by safety and researching water bioresources in cultivation of practical recommendations in the method of development of Fish industrial activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   Opportunities of development of research objects take place in the area of eco-monitoring improvement for condition of fishing biological potential of the Caspian Sea and the improvement of the mechanism of managing by Fish Industrial activity in the interprises and institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.