Учебное пособие соответствует государственному стандарту направления «Английский язык»

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§19-27 (стр. )

Упражнение 22

Образуйте следующие формы причастий от любых глаголов:

    1. Participle I
    2. Passive Participle
    3. Participle II
    4. Perfect Participle
    5. Perfect Passive Participle.

Упражнение 23

Переведите на английский язык следующие причастия и


1) (translate) - переводя, переведя, переведенный, переводимый, переводящие;

2) (solve) - решая; решенный, решающий, решивший, решив, решаемый;

3) (produce) - производящие, производя, произведя, произведенный, производимый (сейчас);

4) (build) - строящий, построенный, строящийся, построивший, построив, строя;

5) (tell) - рассказывающий, рассказывая, рассказав, рассказанный, рассказываемый, рассказавший.

6) (use) - применяя, применённый, применяемый, применив,


7) (draw) – рисующий, нарисованный, рисуя, нарисовав,


Упражнение 24

Выберите из колонки 2 все возможные варианты перевода для

английских фраз из колонки 1:


  1. Reading a book the student…
  2. The student reading a book…
  3. While reading a book the student…

  1. Читая книгу, студент, …
  2. Читающий книгу студент…
  3. Когда студент читал книгу,

  1. Студент, который читал

  1. При чтении (во время чтения)

книги студент…


  1. Children playing in the

  1. Playing in the garden the

  1. When playing in the garden


  1. Дети, которые играют в саду,
  2. Играя в саду, дети…
  3. Играющие в саду дети….
  4. Когда дети играют в саду,

  1. Дети, играющие в саду, …
  2. Во время игры в саду, дети…

Упражнение 25

Назовите все возможные формы причастий из колонки 2,

которые соответствовали бы подчеркнутым словам в русских

слововосочетаниях из колонки 1:


  1. Специалисты, обучающие молодых практикантов, …
  2. Специалисты, которых обучают новым методам, …
  3. Специалисты, которые прошли обучение (которых подготовили) в нашем университете, …
  4. Специалисты, обучившие молодых практикантов, …


a) trained

b) training

c) being trained

d) having trained

e) having been trained



  1. Предметы, изучаемые на

1 курсе, …
  1. Предметы, которые изучались

ранее, …
  1. Студенты, изучающие этот

  1. Студенты, изучившие этот

предмет, ...
  1. После того, как тему изучили,

(ее) она …
  1. Когда тему изучают, её (она) …
  2. Тема, которую изучают

сейчас, …


a) studying

b) having studied

c) having been studied

d) being studied

e) studied

Упражнение 26


Проанализируйте, какое действие обозначают глаголы в

скобках по отношению к сказуемому предложений –

одновременное или предшествующее. Образуйте от них

соответствующие причастия и переведите предложения:

  1. (Do his homework) he went to the cinema. (Do his homework) he made several mistakes.
  2. (Do exercise 3) she turned on the TV-set. (Do exercise 3) she learned some new words.
  3. (Graduate from the University) he became a good specialist. (Graduate from the University) he made an interesting research in his diploma-paper.
  4. (Study) at the University she was a very good student. (Study) this theme she made a report on it.
  5. (Write letters) she posted them. (Write letters) she always makes mistakes.
  6. (Write a dictation) be very attentive. (Write a dictation) we handed them in (hand in – сдать).


Переведите деепричастные обороты в скобках

соответствующими английскими причастными оборотами:
  1. (Переводя текст) I consulted a dictionary for unknown words
  2. (Переведя текст) I learned unknown words and word – combinations.
  3. (Решая задачу) we revised some equations and theorems as well as some theoretical topics.
  4. (Решив задачу) the student explained the principles of its solution to the examination board.
  5. (Ремонтируя велосипед) my brother was explaining what was wrong with it.
  6. (Починив велосипед) he allowed us to ride it but carefully and only in the yard.


Скажите по-английски:

1. Собрав (collect) весь необходимый материал, он начал писать статью

для журнала.

2. Проработав в саду весь день, он чувствовал себя очень уставшим.

3. Изучив подробно (in detail) тему, он мог ответить на все вопросы


4. Собирая материал для статьи, он обнаружил интересные факты из

истории нашего города.

5. Потеряв адрес друга, он не смог послать ему телеграмму.

6.Уезжая из города, мы простились со всеми друзьями и


Упражнение 27

Проанализируйте группы предложений и по формальным

признакам определите, чем являются инговые формы.

Переведите их на русский язык:

  1. Performing addition the computer must have two numbers to be added.
  2. Having performed an addition the computer displayed the results.
  3. While performing logical operations the computer makes logical decisions.
  4. When pressing the keys the operator makes the adding machine operate.
  5. Having pressed the keys the operator made the adding machine operate.
  6. Your having visited London this year improved your English greatly.

  1. The engine being demonstrated shows interesting properties.
  2. Having done the work the engineer wrote down some new conclusions.
  3. The article being translated is about our friend from Canada.
  4. Students having translated the article were given additional texts for translating.
  5. Having been translated into Russian the article was published in many journals.
  6. We heard of our teacher’s having visited London this year.

Упражнение 28

Переведите предложения с причастиями в функции

обстоятельства, дайте все возможные варианты перевода

таких причастий:

  1. When travelling we met with many adventures.
  2. Being stubborn (упрямый), she didn’t agree to our plan.
  3. When distributing the tickets among his collegues, he tried to be just (справедливый).
  4. Having heard the story he said he couldn’t believe it.
  5. Looking through the newspapers we came across an interesting advertisement.
  6. While staying with her relatives she had a very good time.
  7. Not believing my words she looked up the dictionary for data desired.
  8. Remembering his hobby I started speaking on photography.
  9. Starting an argument be sure you’ll be able to prove your point of view.
  10. When crossing the street first look to the left and then to the right.
  11. Not remembering the title of the play I looked it up in the reference book.
  12. Having examined the sick man the doctor wrote out a prescription.
  13. Having been examined by the doctor the sick man asked him a few questions.
  14. While shaving Nick cut himself.
  15. While talking over the telephone Dick wrote down some information.
  16. Having talked over the telephone Dick wrote down some information.
  17. Being cool;ed water turns into ice.

Упражнение 29

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на пассивные причастия и причастия от глагола “ be “:

  1. Being built of wood the bridge could not carry heavy loads.
  2. Having been repaired the engine began to operate well.
  3. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter did not reach him.
  4. Being away, I could not participate in the conference.
  5. Being indifferent to everything she refused to take part in our work.
  6. Having been published the book was delivered to all the shops.
  7. Being asked about his adventures the traveller told us an interesting story.
  8. Being very honest, he could only tell them the truth.
  9. Being amused by this film Helen went to see it again.
  10. Being very tired the travellers decided to stay at a hotel and have some rest and sleep.
  11. Being rather sociable Ann easily made friends with most of her fellow – students.
  12. Being treated with certain chemicals wood can be used for some purposes instead of metal.
  13. The purpose of this computer was to control the operation being performed by this device.
  14. Being prepared by our scientists man–made diamonds are widely employed in many industries of the country.
  15. Being built in a new way, modern houses have better facilities and are more convenient to live in.
  16. Being well prepared for the examinations students could successfully pass them ahead of time.
  17. Being surprised at this news he could not utter a word.

Упражнение 30

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инговые


  1. Students are given practical training at the factories.
  2. Having graduated from the University they work as engineers in many countries of the world.
  3. Being badly wounded he recovered slowly.
  4. Not having been approved of by an overwhelming (подавляющим) majority of the members of the committee, the proposal was turned down.
  5. Having arrived in a big sea port, I started to look for a job.
  6. Rain is very rare in our parts, but having once begun, it won't stop for days .
  7. In the evening they caught some fish, eating part of it and saving the rest for breakfast.
  8. Being asked what he thought of the innovation, the engineer said he approved of it.
  9. Being very unambitious, he is satisfied with what he has.
  10. Having been examined by the customs, the goods were let through.
  11. Having known him from school, I have never heard anyone speak of him without respect.
  12. Having been promised assistance, they felt more assured.
  13. Having arrived two days before the opening of the conference, they had enough time to do the city.
  14. Having settled at the new place, we shall drop you a line.
  15. By this time, having acclimated himself to the atmosphere of the new place, he no longer felt a stranger.
  16. We didn’t know of his having made the experiment.
  17. In manufacturing goods special attention should be paid to their


18. Leaving the earth means moving upwards against gravity, and this

requires work.

19. On checking the figures he got down to writing a report.

20. When travelling in Wales they had much trouble with their car.

  1. Knowing how fond he is of good music, I brought him a few records.
  2. Having been shown in he was asked to wait a while.
  3. And having said this, he threw himself back in his armchair and looked around triumphantly.
  4. The parks and gardens being laid out in the city will very soon form a green belt all around it.
  5. We shall not discuss our future plans before I come back having settled the business.
  6. It has been planned to dig out a new canal here, supplying the whole area with water for irrigation.
  7. Having seen so little of the country, I'm afraid I cannot give exhaustive

(исчерпывающий) answers to all your questions.
  1. Going down the stairs she suddenly stopped remembering that she had left the gas burning.
  2. Having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away.
  3. He stood at the counter and hesitated not knowing what to choose.
  4. When asked how his wife was dressed, Harris could remember very little.
  5. This article deals with new machines being developed by Russian inventors.
  6. Special mention must be made of the extensive research now being conducted in electronics.
  7. When considering the chemical properties of metals, we must mention that they vary widely in the degree of chemical activity.
  8. Meeting her never bored him.
  9. George disapproves of her not having checked the facts.
  10. Donald disapproved of our not having let him know.

18. Mary insisted on her husband’s giving up his plan.

19. The fear of lightning (молния) is one of the most distressing

weaknesses a human being can suffer from.

20.Many organizations choose this kind of architecture by default (по

умолчанию) without even considering the alternatives.

Упражнение 31

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инговые


  1. When speaking about the problems of utilizing solar energy, we should stress their aim.
  2. While rubbing amber (янтарь) with wool or fur ancient (древний) Greeks noticed that amber could attract light objects.
  3. When discussing the structure of matter Greek philosophers called its smallest particles atoms.
  4. While experimenting with various materials Yablochkov wanted to find some substance (вещество) glowing in vacuum.
  5. While doing mechanical work, steam loses heat energy.
  6. When doing mechanical work an electric motor must overcome some force.
  7. Being the most important constituent of illuminating gas, hydrogen is used as a source of light.
  8. Burning with an almost invisible flame, hydrogen does not support combustion.
  9. While working at the periodic law of elements, Mendeleyev foretold the existence of hitherto unknown elements.
  10. Needing very little refining, native metals are the most valuable.
  11. Resembling one another in their general chemical behaviour the metals differ markedly in activity.
  12. Having finished their work they went home.
  13. Reacting with water these metals liberate hydrogen.
  14. Having arrived in Kiev he went to the Institute.
  15. Being completed the parts were transported to the assembly shop (сборочный цех).
  16. Working together and getting along with others is called cooperation.
  17. When looking through the old letters, I found his address.
  18. Listening well is as important as speaking clearly.
  19. Making a phone call is not always easy.
  20. Taking phone messages tests your writing and listening skills.

  1. Having passed entrance examinations we were admitted to the University.
  2. Having been asked to come to the University Peter went there immediately.
  3. Having been supplied with subtitles the film was quite understandable.
  4. Having left the evening school he entered the Institute.
  5. Being addressed in French he couldn't answer anything.
  6. Everybody hates being interrupted.
  7. The method being employed gave a high degree of accuracy.
  8. The student speaking to the professor knows English rather well.
  9. While solving the problem Victor made a mistake.
  10. The power plant being built in Siberia will be one of the largest in our country.
  11. Meeting somebody of good friends we say: "Hello".
  12. While listening to my friend's description of his journey I forgot about everything.
  13. Never having experienced such difficulties, he was at a loss ( в растерянности).
  14. Solving such a problem is not an easy task.
  15. Studying science is meaningless without facilities for experimental work.
  16. Seeing their embarrasment (замешательство), he changed the subject.
  17. “Did you get the cat?” he asked putting the book down and resting his eyes from reading.
  18. Landlords took over common land for sheep rearing, thus throwing many people off their holdings.
  19. Reading the letter she smiled.
  20. Having read the letter, he burnt it.

Упражнение 32

Научитесь отличать II и III формы глагола (§ 25). Определите

по формальным признакам форму глагола:

  1. Students multiplied …
  2. Numbers multiplied….
  3. We have multiplied….
  4. The force applied…
  5. Such methods are applied…
  6. Methods being applied…
  7. The workers applied…
  8. The house built…
  9. An engineer built…
  10. An engineer has built…
  11. Results obtained…
  12. They obtained…
  13. They have obtained….
  14. Results having been obtained…
  15. Problems being discussed…
  16. Students discussed…
  17. Problems discussed…

Упражнение 33

Переведите предложения с причастиями II в функции


  1. The books published are very well illustrated.
  2. The substance (вещество) called “water” consists of two gases: hydrogen and oxygen.
  3. The engines (двигатели) produced at this factory are of a good quality.
  4. The materials recommended were described in the article.
  5. The explanation given was followed by the film on the subject studied.
  6. The experiment being carried out was prepared by our professor and his students.
  7. The facts mentioned were published in the latest scientific journal.
  8. The increase in the quantities of goods carried is the most important feature of air transport development.
  9. All the letters received were shown to the manager.
  10. The address indicated was completely unknown to him and seemed rather strange.
  11. The goods bought will be delivered to you next week.

Упражнение 34

Обратите внимание на слова с окончанием -ed , стоящие

рядом (II и III формы правильных глаголов). Переведите

предложения с ними:

  1. The equipment tested required some further improvement.
  2. The results obtained showed that there was a mistake.
  3. The amount of coal extracted varied from mine to mine.
  4. Materials produced proved to be useful for various purposes.
  5. The problems discussed required further investigation and analysis.
  6. The writer mentioned lived in our city ten years ago.
  7. The devices (устройства) improved operated with high accuracy.
  8. The answer received surprised us greatly.
  9. The machine developed increased the output of coal.
  10. The substance (вещество) heated expanded considerably and changed its properties.

Упражнение 35

Переведите причастие II в функции обстоятельства

придаточными предложениями (§ 24):

  1. When invited to take part in chess competition, he agreed at once.
  2. If redecorated the apartment may not look so ugly.
  3. When constructed the new school will be very comfortable.
  4. If properly arranged the show will attract many visitors.
  5. When offered the job Ted accepted it at once.
  6. If trained properly the team may win the game.
  7. When shown with subtitles the film was quite understandable.
  8. If staged by a good director the play may be a success.
  9. When performed by a good pianist the melody will sound nice.
  10. When dubbed the film lost much.
  11. When spoken to, he kept silent.
  12. When addressed, he answered politely.
  13. If treated by a good doctor, the sick man will soon recover.
  14. When discussed in detail, the article became clear.
  15. When informed about the arrival of the delegation, he gave orders to meet them.
  16. When interrupted, he got angry.
  17. If told in detail, the story will be boring.

18. When required, these data will be applied in our practical work.

Упражнение 36

Раскройте скобки, образовав причастие I или причастие II,

и переведите предложения:

  1. Let’s hurry up! I’m afraid we are late for the concert. I hear the orchestra (tune up).
  2. Somebody is coming to see us. Can’t you hear the dog (bark) in the garden?
  3. When I came in I saw Ann (sit) at the bed-side of her sick sister.
  4. When I entered the examination room I felt my heart (beat) so fast, I thought it would burst.
  5. I stopped for a while and watched Nick and his friends (play) football. 6. What’s up? I can smell something (burn)!
  6. I have an appointment at 7. I must have my hair (set) before going there.
  7. I’m going to the dentist to have a bad tooth (pull out).
  8. My cough is getting from bad to worse. I’ll go and have my chest (x-ray) one of these days.
  9. My winter coat is to long, I’m going to have it (shorten).
  10. I had my bicycle (repair), it’s in perfect order now!
  11. We had our car (paint) and it looks as a new one.

Упражнение 37

Выберите в скобках соответствующие формы причастия и

переведите предложения:

    1. When (producing; having produced; produced) such cars the plant used new materials and methods.
    2. The cars (produced; producing; having produced) by this plant are in great demand all over the world.
    3. A new plant (having produced; produced; producing) baby cars has been recently built in this neighborhood.
    4. A group of tourists went to an automobile plant to see cars (produced; being produced; producing).
    5. When (produced; being produced; producing) the cars were sent to the automobile show.
    6. (Producing; Having produced; Being produced) thousands of cars of this make the plant began to develop a new model.
    7. Tractors (producing; produced; having produced) by this plant are exported to many countries.
    8. People (interfering; interfered; being interfered) in other people’s affairs are most unpleasant to deal with.
    9. He couldn’t give any facts and figures (proved; having proved; proving) his theory.
    10. The book (discussing; being discussed; having discussed) is written by Hemingway.
    11. (Asked; Asking; Having asked) what he thought of the play he said he had not seen it.
    12. If not (disturbing; disturbed; having been disturbed) he will be through with the translation in an hour.
    13. (Considering; Having considered; Considered) the matter we arrived at a definite decision.
    14. The number of scientists (conducted; having conducted; conducting) similar experiments was increasing.
    15. The three processes (discussed; discussing; being discussed) above present the whole problem.
    16. The equipment (producing; produced; having produced) has already been installed in our laboratory.
    17. The steamer now (unloaded, being unloaded, having been unloaded) by

the workers, will leave the port in three days.

18. A person (brought, bringing, being brought) good news is always


Упражнение 38

Переведите предложения с причастием II в различных

функциях, дайте все возможные варианты перевода:

1. The decision arrived at was to everybody's satisfaction.

2. When extracted coal is transported to the surface.

3. The promotion, so long denied him, had come at last.

4. The amount of coal extracted varies from mine (шахта) to mine.

5. The pilot, refused permission to land, had to take his plane to another airfield.

6. When found in free state, metals were widely used by primitive man.

7. Asked what he thought of this type of machine he said that he had never seen a similar one.

8. The iron and steel produced at our plant are of high purity.

9. The processes discussed are of great importance for the country's industry.

10. Left to himself before the fire, Adrian brooded (размышлять).

11. Rained on for several days, the road was made impassable.

12. The explosion, believed to have been caused through an accumulation of gas, wrecked several houses.

13. The red room was a spare chamber, very rarely slept in.

14. The problem discussed dealt with safety in the mines.

15. Defeated, he did not feel discouraged.

16. Viewed from the air, the sight would have been impressive, no doubt.

17. I've read a book mentioned by my friend.

Упражнение 39

Выберите соответствующие причастия в скобках переведите


  1. When (asked, asking) this question the student could not answer it at once.
  2. The questions (put, putting) to me at the examination were not difficult.
  3. Jones and Smith came in (followed, following) by their wives.
  4. I have heard that piece (playing, played) many times.
  5. (Graduating, having graduated) from the University, my brother went to work at a mine.
  6. (Working, worked) at a mine, Peter studied at the extra-mural

(заочный) department of the University.
  1. Being the cheapest material (using, used) in the mines, timber is of great importance for mining industry.
  2. When (extracted, extracting) coal is transported to the surface.
  3. The channel (linked, linking) the two seas is being built now.
  4. The explanation (given, giving) was not complete.
  5. (Having passed, passing) all the examinations he left for Kiev.
  6. When (writing, have written) a telegram, use as few words as possible.
  7. (Having passed, passing) entrance examinations we were admitted to the University.
  8. The article (writing, written) by our professor is very interesting.

Упражнение 40

Дайте два варианта перевода предложений:

1. сложноподчиненным предложением;

2. простым предложением с пассивным причастием в

функции обстоятельства:

  1. Когда меня спросили о новом фильме, я ответил, что не видел его.
  2. После того, как статья будет написана, ее опубликуют в нашем журнале.
  3. Когда билеты были куплены, их распределили (distribute) среди членов нашего клуба.
  4. Когда моему брату предложили новую работу, он сразу же согласился на нее.
  5. Когда мне принесли телеграмму, я с радостью узнал о приезде моего друга из Петербурга.
  6. Когда нам рассказали, что произошло, мы не сразу поверили.
  7. Когда нам показывают такие фильмы, мы получаем новые темы для размышлений (для обдумывания).
  8. После того, как детям показали новый фильм, их попросили нарисовать героев, которые им понравились.
  9. Когда нам дают вещи или деньги взаймы (lend), мы должны возвращать их вовремя.
  10. После того, как ему дали кредит в банке, он открыл (set up) малое предприятие (a small business).
  11. Когда тебе предлагают помощь и поддержку, ты не должен отказываться.
  12. После того, как команду наградили (award) за победу на чемпионате, ее пригласили участвовать в новой спортивной программе на телевидении.

Упражнение 41

Переведите предложения с независимым причастным

оборотом. Обращайте внимание на его место в предложении:

  1. The bus being very crowded, Nick had to stand.
  2. My friend having left, I went to the University alone.
  3. Weather permitting, we shall go for a walk.
  4. The party being very dull, we left as soon as we could.
  5. The piano being too heavy for him to move alone, he sent for help.
  6. The stars shining in the dark, sky seemed blue.
  7. The boys sat gazing into fire, their minds wandering elsewhere.
  8. The child lay on the bed, his eyes shut.
  9. “No one would believe it”, said Mrs. Brown, the colour leaving her face.
  10. The sun having risen, they continued their way.
  11. The talks between the two countries were conducted behind closed doors, measures having been taken that no reporter could receive any information.
  12. The goods having been loaded, the workers left the port.
  13. The moon being bright, everything was clearly visible.
  14. The population of the city increasing, much attention must be paid to housing construction.
  15. No essential results having been obtained, the scientists had to carry out some more experiments.


1. A site for the construction having been chosen, the work started.

2. The translation of the report having been finished, he showed it to the author.

3. The train starting, I ran to catch it.

4. He works hard to pass his entrance examinations, his sister doing her best to help him.

5. We have three lectures a day, the last one being in physics.

6. My friend coming to our city today, I shall go to meet him at the railway station.

7. Some of the most difficult problems having been solved, we decided to have a rest.

8. Some exercises being very difficult, I asked my friend to help me.

9. The settlement occupies a large area, the houses being built along the river.

10. The problem having been solved, the engineers began a new experiment.

11. This law having been discovered, there are a lot of new possibilities.

12. The engineer having come, the experiment began.

13. An external force acting, the body changes its state of rest to a state of motion.

14. Technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible.

15 The engineer was repairing the damaged machine-tool, two workers helping him.

Упражнение 42

Переведите на русский язык предложения с независимым

причастным оборотом и затем замените их на

сложноподчиненные предложения:

Model: -The situation in the country being tense, the government

decided to take urgent steps.

-As the situation in the country was tense, the government

decided to take urgent steps.

    1. The project being approved, the plant started producing cars of the new make.
    2. The cast being excellent, everybody enjoyed the film.
    3. The film not being dubbed, we didn’t understand many things.
    4. The seats being reserved, we didn’t hurry.
    5. Many well-known show-men and musicians taking part in the festival, it attracted a lot of lovers of music and fans.
    6. Camping holidays in tents are not so well developed, the summer weather often being very unpleasant.
    7. The amateur concert was given at the end of the academic year, many students taking part in it.
    8. The discussion being over, we turned off the TV.
    9. There being nothing to read, he felt dull.
    10. The patient feeling better, the doctor left.
    11. There being many good exhibits at the show, we enjoy it.
    12. Our team having won the game, we felt proud.
    13. Kate’s opponent being a good tennis player, she lost the game.
    14. The English being conservative, many old traditions are still observed in England.
    15. The prizes having been distributed, everybody went home.

Упражнение 43 (обзорное по причастиям)

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия в

различных функциях:

  1. It has been recently reported that the results satisfying the experimentators were obtained.
  2. Our group having been awarded the prize was met with cheers.
  3. Receiving no reply by the end of the month, we shall consider the order cancelled.
  4. After much impressive fumbling of keys (перезвон ключей) and opening of locks, the stained and aged document was spread before us.
  5. The article having been translated, the student showed it to the teacher.
  6. They spent a very enjoyable day, climbing over ridges and crossing valleys. Towards the end of the day they noticed tanks of clouds forming and decided to head for their camp at once.
  7. Both driving and driven units may operate under good conditions.
  8. The surgery on mosquitoes is carried out with instruments fashioned from jeweller’s tools and under a specially built microscope.
  9. The spider weaves her web making the threads of a liquid in her body, which hardens when coming in contact with the air.
  10. The progress made is considerable.
  11. Students making good progress in their study should be encouraged.
  12. The researches being made may lead to important discoveries.
  13. No progress having been made, the scientists felt discouraged.
  14. The experiments made were suggested by professor Petrov.
  15. When reporting on the researches made the scientist was asked to give some more details.
  16. Having made a lot of interesting experiments the scientist published several articles about them.

17. Turning to the inspector he said: “While you pursued your

investigations upstairs I have been conversing with Miss Barnard and

Mr. Fraser, endeavouring if I could find something that will throw light

upon the matter.

18. ... some people, under a nervous and self-effacing manner, conceal a

great deal of vanity and self–satisfaction.

19. Inspector Glen was looking rather gloomy. He had, I gathered, spent the

afternoon trying to get a complete list of persons who had been noticed

entering the tobacco shop.

20. Speaking fair and square, what steps can we take?

21.Twenty minutes later we were in a fast police car crossing the Thames

on our way out of London.

22. Having been informed of the arrival of the ship, they sent their agent to

the port.

3.3.1 Инфинитив (Infinitive)