Ильина О. К., Тычинский А. А. Сборник упражнений по английскому языку к учебнику

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Exercises to Chapter 9 “Evaluation”
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Exercises to Chapter 9 “Evaluation”

I) Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. All of the following are examples of informational objectives EX­CEPT

a) enhance the image of… b) educate consumers about… c) inform audiences that… d) change attitudes about … e) increase awareness of…

  1. Which of the following is NOT a reason given for the trend to­ward more systematic evaluation in public relations?

a) more research expertise by public relations personnel b) more sophisticated computer programs c) larger budgets for research d) pressure from higher management for meaningful results e) need to make public relations programs more cost-effective

  1. Which evaluation technique places the most emphasis on quan­tity instead of quality?

a) measurement of production b) measurement of distribution c) measurement of message exposure d) gross impressions e) dollar value

  1. The compilation of press clippings measures

a) readership of a message b) audience acceptance of the message c) audience attitude change d) media’s acceptance of the story as newsworthy e) information distribution

  1. One form of public relations evaluation is the use of gross impres­sions. This involves determining the

a) actual size of the audience that heard the message b) potential size of the audience reached by a particular mass media outlet c) size of the audience “turned off” by the message d) size of the audience “impressed” by the message e) number of people that can ‘recall” the message

  1. Which one of the following evaluation techniques tends to endan­ger good media relations?

a) measurement of distribution b) gross impressions c) advertising equivalency d) cost per person e) pilot tests and split messages

  1. The technique of estimating the cost per person is a good way to evaluate

a) news releases b) product publicity photos c) films, newsletters, and brochures d) press parties e) syndicated camera-ready features

  1. Systematic tracking can accomplish all of the following EX­CEPT

a) media acceptance of various news releases b) market penetration of information c) the relative importance of the publicity achieved d) audience acceptance of the message e) measurement of message accuracy

  1. The split- message technique is often used in

a) news releases b) direct-mail campaigns c) television talk shows d) national trade shows e) slide presentations

  1. A benchmark survey is used when one wants to

a) track changes in audience attitudes b) measure penetration of a message c) measure attendance at an event d) track media use of news releases e) compile the number of gross impressions

  1. If one is doing public relations for a repertory theater group, the primary motivational objective should be to

a) get publicity b) generate goodwill for the organization c) sell tickets d) improve the quality of acting, directing, and set design

  1. A company or organization should evaluate its entire communi­cation activity every

a) 6 months b) 12 months c) 18 months d) 24 months e) 36 months

  1. The best method of evaluating meetings and events is to

a) estimate the total attendance b) observe the interest level of attendees c) talk informally with attendees during coffee breaks d) have each attendee fill out an evaluation form at the end of the meeting e) compare the income and expenses

  1. Which one of the following is NOT a good way to evaluate the effectiveness and readership of a company newsletter?

a) content analysis b) readership interest survey c) distribution of copies to employees d) article recall e) readability formulas

  1. Ketchum Public Relations, on behalf of the California Prune Board, measured the effectiveness of a campaign by

a) compiling the number of pres clippings b) assigning values to key copy points mentioned in broadcast and press mentions c) compiling the comparable advertising worth of press clippings d) surveying the recall ability of an audience that watched a particular television show e) conducting surveys before and after the campaign

(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 125-131)

II) Say whether the statement is true or false.

  1. The desire to do a better job next time is a major reason for evaluating public relations efforts.
  2. The objectives of a public relations program have nothing to do with how the program is evaluated.
  3. A pile of press clippings is a good way to determine if the tar­get audience received and understood the message.
  4. There is a trend toward greater use of more systematic evalua­tion procedures in public relations.
  5. Analysis of press clippings is a good way to measure the effect of a public relations program on a target audience.
  6. The compilation of press clippings and radio-television men­tions is the most widely practiced form of public relations evaluation.
  7. Converting publicity stories in the regular news columns to equivalent advertising costs for the same space is a highly credible evaluation technique.
  8. It is standard practice for publicists to specify the headline and placement of a news release when it is sent to a newspaper.
  9. A news story about a company usually is more credible than an advertisement placed by the company.
  10. Periodic feedback and evaluation can be provided by organiz­ing an employee advisory board.
  11. In public relations there is a difference between audience com­prehension of a message and acceptance of the message.
  12. A communication audit is a review of the financial costs in­curred in a public relations program.
  13. Testing a public relations message in selected cities before go­ing national with it is called a pilot test.

(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 125-131)

III) Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.

  1. television and radio advertisements broadcast between and during the programs
  1. prerequisite
  1. the number of people to whom a newspaper or a magazine is regularly sold
  1. informational objective
  1. a kind of objective dealing with achievement of tangible results
  1. motivational objective
  1. articles cut from newspapers or magazines
  1. market share
  1. something which must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen
  1. press clipping
  1. a part of the overall market where a certain company conducts its business
  1. media impressions
  1. a kind of objective dealing with successful communication of information
  1. periodical
  1. potential audience reached by a periodical or a broadcast program
  1. circulation
  1. a magazine or newspaper that is published regularly
  1. to count hits
  1. calculate the number of times people accessed the web site
  1. commercial
  1. people in the media whose job is to monitor messages and decide which messages will be published or broadcast
  1. productivity
  1. process of making something known generally or in public
  1. output
  1. an amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country etc
  1. media gatekeepers
  1. equivalent advertising costs
  1. a weekly
  1. something which encourages a person to do something
  1. message placement
  1. a person who owns some of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided
  1. advertising
  1. reporting of a particular event or subject
  1. advertising equivalency
  1. act of placing some information in the media
  1. coverage
  1. a newspaper or a magazine which is published once every week
  1. stockholder
  1. the rate at which a company or a country makes goods
  1. incentive

IV) Complete the words.

  1. If you want to play golf, club membership is a p__________.
  2. Our i_________ o________ was to communicate that piece of information to our target audience.
  3. The m_________ o_________ of increasing sales was an obsession with him.
  4. The company’s m_______ s_______ has contracted by 5 per cent this year.
  5. Her job was to make p_______ c________ for the company.
  6. After the launch of the campaign the m_______ i_________ numbers grew substantially.
  7. The p________ is published every month.
  8. The paper has a c_________ of 150,000.
  9. The simplest way to find out if the web site is successful or not is to c______ h______.
  10. The new law bans all beer c_________ on TV.
  11. Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, p_________ increases.
  12. Industrial o______ continues to fall in the country.
  13. M______ g________ make decisions whether this or that article should be published or not.
  14. The newspaper he bought is the most popular w______ in the country.
  15. The company always controls m_______ p_________.
  16. He made a fortune in a_________ business.
  17. The technique of evaluating the effectiveness of a public relations campaign by using a_________ e_________ is far from perfect.
  18. The incident raised a lot of c________ in the press.
  19. S_________ will be voting on the proposed merger of the companies next week.
  20. Tax i_________ have been very effective in encouraging people to save or invest more of their income.

V) Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

Предпосылка; информационная задача; мотивационная задача; доля на рынке; вырезка из прессы; медийные оттиски; периодическое издание; тираж; считать посещения веб сайта; реклама на радио и телевидении; производительность; выработка; кураторы в СМИ; еженедельник; размещение послания; реклама; эквивалент рекламы; освещение события; акционер; стимул.

VI) Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Удачная пиар-кампания – это предпосылка успеха на рынке.
  2. Перед нами была поставлена информационная задача – воздействовать на целевую аудиторию.
  3. Мотивационные задачи трудно воплотить в жизнь.
  4. Если мы расслабимся, конкуренты займут нашу долю на рынке.
  5. Многочисленные вырезки из прессы свидетельствуют о том что пиар-кампания была успешной.
  6. Медийные оттиски данного журнала выросли в три раза за последние пять лет.
  7. Не всегда периодические издания стоят дешевле, чем книги.
  8. Тираж газеты бьет все рекорды.
  9. Очень легко определить, популярен сайт или нет – нужно только посчитать посещения.
  10. Многие считают, что реклама на радио и телевидении не должна выходить в эфир слишком часто.
  11. Производительность труда в США одна из самых высоких в мире.
  12. Данная техника оценки способна дать представление руководству о выработке работников.
  13. Только кураторы в СМИ могут определить судьбу газетной статьи.
  14. Какой самый популярный еженедельник в России?
  15. Важно не только само послание, которое организация хочет донести до аудитории, но и его размещение.
  16. Эффективная реклама продукции может существенно повысить продажи.
  17. Тема сегодняшнего занятия – эквивалент рекламы.
  18. Освещение данного визита в прессе оставляет желать лучшего.
  19. Для принятия данного решения необходимо согласие ключевых акционеров компании.
  20. Работники не видят стимула повышать производительность труда.

VII) Translate the following text from English into Russian.

You’ve been hired as an intern at a public relations firm for the summer. One of your duties is to go through recent issues of trade magazines and clip any article in which the name of a client appears. You are then asked to look up advertising rates for these publications and calculate what the comparable space in advertising would cost. The idea, says the account supervisor, is to count entire articles even if the client’s name is mentioned once. “The client is impressed with big numbers”, she says, “so count anything you can find”. Does this approach raise any ethical concerns on your part? Why or why not?

(Wilcox Dennis L., Ault Phillip H., Agee Warren K., Cameron Glen T. Essentials of Public Relations – N.Y., 2001. – P. 172)

VIII) Translate the following text from Russian into English

Регулирование любой сферы общественных отношений, в том числе и управления процессом паблик рилейшнз, сталкивается с самым уязвимым местом, а именно, с тем, как оценить эффективность (особенно, какие применять критерии эффективности) реализованных программ. Часто говорят, что в сфере связей с общественностью изменения, ожидаемые в результате реализации программ, трудноуловимы, не всегда сразу ощутимы и четко измеряемы, не говоря уже о том, что возвращение вложенных средств, затраченных усилий, если такое вообще возможно, растягивается на длительный срок.

(Королько В.Г. Основы паблик рилейшнз. Рефл-бук, Ваклер – М, Киев, 2003. – С. 270 – 271)

IX) Summarize the concepts of the chapter “Evaluation”.