Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие

Вид материалаУчебно-методическое пособие
Подобный материал:
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2.1. Составьте все возможные словосочетания, употребив данные слова:


to develop















2.2. Совместите словосочетания из левой колонки с синонимичными словосочетаниями из правой колонки:

  1. a gifted scientist;
  1. great progress in science;
  1. scientific paper;
  1. a well-known scientist;
  1. a revolution in science;
  1. scientific journal;
  1. science fiction;
  1. scientific report;
  1. an outstanding scientist;
  1. a talented scientist;
  1. field of science;
  1. a prominent scientist;
  1. a famous scientist;
  1. scientific novels;
  1. scientific magazine.
  1. a branch of science.

2.3. Переведите предложения с английского на русский язык:

  1. Science has achieved much more in the 20th century than in any other.
  2. It is the duty of scientists to make man the master of the nature.
  3. Scientific progress is the key to a better future.
  4. That is the greatest achievement of modern science.
  5. He devoted himself to science.
  6. He is one of the most outstanding scientists of today.

2.4. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык:

  1. Один из ученых был болен и не смог присутствовать на конференции.
  2. Это лекарство – величайшее достижение современной науки.
  3. Он хочет посвятить себя науке.
  4. Он один из самых одаренных ученых современности.
  5. Современные научные методы объясняют это очень просто.
  6. У меня нет способностей к точным наукам.
  7. Благодаря науке наша повседневная жизнь стала гораздо легче.

2.5. Обратите внимание на разницу в следующих словах:

‘It will not be long before scientists invent a cure for this terrible disease.’-wrong

‘It will not be long before scientists discover a cure for this terrible disease.’-correct
  • to invent – to create (something which has never existed before) for the first time: ‘Who created the bicycle?' = ’Who invented the bicycle?’
  • to discover – to find by research: ‘Penicillin was discovered almost by accident’.

A. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:


noun – person

noun – thing
  1. to discover;


  1. to invent;

  1. to create;

  1. to develop;

  1. to design.

B. Переведите предложения с английского на русский язык:

1. Great art creations never die.

2. Has anybody you know ever invented anything?

3 .Who was the telephone invented by?

4. Tsiolkovsky was one of the creators of spaceships.

5. Sometimes poor inventors had to sell their inventions to rich people.

6. He filled up many notebooks with the drawings of his inventions.

7. This long history had a new beginning with the invention of telegraph.

8. Our chemistry professor has made many scientific discoveries in his laboratory.

9. The discoveries and inventions are connected with progress in physics.

10. Scientists of the twentieth century have invented ways of changing smoke into many useful things.

11. The great Russian writer Gogol created wonderful characters in his novels.