Пособие Л. Д. Червяковой «Язык делового общения» стр. 4-10 Чтение и перевод рекламных текстов

СодержаниеCreative services coordinator
Information support
Marketing services executive
To keep you informed
Marketing manager
Assistant information officers
Clerk typist
Sales professionals only!
Sales engineer
Work in bermuda!
Assistant marketing manager
Effective job searching
Writing and sending letters
Office furniture
4.2 Block style
4.4 Dear... / Yours...
Island world holidays
4.6 Subject headings
Daily Observer
4.8 Parts of a letter, beginning and ending letters.
4.8.2 Beginning a letter
4.8.3 Ending a letter
4.9 Personal business letters
4.10 Making a letter more personal
1. Personal business letters: the opening
B. What opening would you write in each of these situations?
2. Personal business letters: saying why you are writing
3. Personal business letters: the close.
Applying for a job.
2.2 Applying for a job.
2.3 Here are some typical questions that an interviewer might ask
Writing a resum
It is honest
It is pleasing to read
3.2 THE RESUM: its essential components
Address, phone number
References on the resum
The reference page
Additional studies
Extra curricular activities
Additional experience
Additional/personal information
3.4 Alternate headings
3.5 Action / performance words
3.8 The letter of application
6.1 Who’s who and what’s what at BIOPAINTS plc
6.2 Explaining the company organization
The role of computers in an office
Office administrator
Personal assistant
6.4 Reading. The role of computers in everyday life.
6.7 Working together in a company
6.8 Getting people to do things
Terry: Yeah, do you want me to fax it, or send it by mail? Jane
Terry: I’ll be over at the factory this afternoon, I won’t he able to do that. Jane
Offering to help
Bill: No, no trouble at all. Would you like me to check today’s correspondence? Sally
Bill: Sure? Sally
Asking for permission
Host: Oh, sure, yeah. Make yourself at home. Visitor
Host: Yeah, sure. Do you know somewhere good? Visitor
Host: Sure. Go ahead. Visitor
Host: I’m sorry, but the fax machine is broken down.
6.4 Reading. The role of computers in everyday life.
Office administrator
Personal assistant
Read the text below about uses and application of the computer.
6.8 Getting people to do things
Terry: Yeah, do you want me to fax it, or send it by mail? Jane
Terry: I’ll be over at the factory this afternoon, I won’t he able to do that. Jane
Offering to help
Bill: No, no trouble at all. Would you like me to check today’s correspondence? Sally
Bill: Sure? Sally
Asking for permission
Host: Oh, sure, yeah. Make yourself at home. Visitor
Host: Yeah, sure. Do you know somewhere good? Visitor
Host: Sure. Go ahead. Visitor
Host: I’m sorry, but the fax machine is broken down.
Writing and sending letters
Office furniture
4.2 Block style
4.4 Dear... / Yours...
Island world holidays
4.6 Subject headings
Daily Observer
4.8 Parts of a letter, beginning and ending letters.
4.8.2 Beginning a letter
4.8.3 Ending a letter
4.9 Personal business letters
4.10 Making a letter more personal
1. Personal business letters: the opening
B. What opening would you write in each of these situations?
2. Personal business letters: saying why you are writing
3. Personal business letters: the close.
Unit 5. reading: new and standard systems of appointing applicants
Text 2. When Egos Collide
Text 3. Learning To Cope With Corporate Culture Clashes
Vivendi: 150 years of history
The facts
Management proposals
Staff requests
6.13 Life in the office
Woman: And things are different in the States, you’re saying? Man
Woman: Yes, as the saying goes: ‘time is money’. Man
Woman: Talking about lunch hours. What about them? Do you have to take them seriously? Man
Woman: Oh, so you have the flexitime system, do you? I wasn’t sure about that. Man
Woman: Could you say something about contracts of hiring in America, please? Man
Woman: You mean that your employer can just fire you in America? Man
Woman: From one day to the next, you mean? Man
Woman: Well, that’s about it, I think, oh, except to briefly mention all those coffee breaks I’ve heard about in the United Stat
Unit 7. marketing and sales
7.7 Marketing concept and marketing mix
7.3 Reading graphs. Trend 1.
7.4 Reading graphs. Trend 2.
7.5 Reading graphs. Trend 3.
7.6 Graphs and figures
Unit 8. brands
5 The ideas and beliefs which consumers have about a brand 6
8.2 Complete these sentences with word partnership from the list
What is branding?
8.4 Match these words and phrases with the definitions.
8.6 Read the article again and answer these questions.
8.7 Fashion Victim Fights Back
Financial Times
8.9 Three Promotions
Unit 9. money matters
9.1 Methods of payment in foreign trade
Open account
Banker’s Draft
International Payment Order
9.2 Letters of Credit
Barclays Bank PLC
Drafts drawn hereunder must be marked “Drawn under Barclays Bank PLC
9.3 Mistakes in L.C.
9.5 Reminding a buyer of an unpaid invoice
John Brown
Ms Benedetto
Ms Benedetto
Ms Benedetto
John Brown
9.6 Financial terms
9.7 Reading. On the money-go-round
Traveller’s cheques
Foreign currency
Credit cards
Charge cards
Vocabulary (Test): Marketing